Hi, I'm Nayeli!

Hi, I'm Nayeli!
This blog is for all you singles out there! You are not alone! God cares about you and He has a plan. So sit tight, do your best and enjoy the ride ;)

Saturday, June 1, 2019

What is love?

Love. How can you define it? It isn't measured, because it cannot be.
If I could describe it in one sentence, as difficult as that is, I would say that love is like faith, it is a feeling that drives you to action. While showing that love varies from person to person, thoughtful action is required. I personally love Joey Palermo's idea of love:
"I believe in the kind of love that doesn't demand me to prove my worth and sit in anxiety. I crave a natural connection, where my soul is able to recognize a feeling of home in another. Something free-flowing, something simple. Something that allows me to be me without question." Joey Palermo

Perhaps the Greek's had it right though, according to them there were four types of love; Agape, eros, philia, storge. They understood just how vast and immeasurable love truly is, and had many words and definitions for it, because it is hard to define it only one way when there are so many forms of love. It makes sense to me, even in Spanish there are two words that mean love and refer as well to different types of love. I’ll give brief summaries for them:

Agape - Some would describe it as charity. According to Sir John Templeton in his book on this type of love, 
“... the highest kind of love gained expression in the term agape. Agape love is not directed toward a single person or small group of friends, but toward all humanity, even all of creation. Agape love is not based on how we are treated by others. Rather, it is unconditional and unlimited in its expression. It is this kind of love in which the religions of the world may find basis for unity. Agape love comes closest to describing the kind of love with which the Creator loves the creation. Agape love is pure love, unlimited in its possibilities. Agape love is altruistic love, love that is given for its own sake, without expecting anything in return.”

Eros - "refers to "passionate love" or romantic love. The term erotic is derived from erosEros has also been used in philosophy and psychology in a much wider sense, almost as an equivalent to "life energy.

Philia - "often translated "brotherly love". . .  In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, philia is usually translated as "friendship" or affection.[1] The complete opposite is called a phobia."

Storge - "or familial love refers to natural or instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa. In social psychology, another term for love between good friends is philia."

In my own idea of love, I believe each of these pieces and parts of love are important in their own way. Each is significant and together, united, can create very strong and intimate bond. That's the kind of love I want to create with my husband one day.

If you would like to read more on these types of love check out C.S. Lewis' book called "The Four Loves", he explains them really well.

To all you singles out there, and to all of you parents and couples who have grown lax in your dating, let’s talk about it for a minute.
What happened to dating? For many of us we heard about dating from our grandparents but understood what they did more as courtship, a dying custom. Now, even dating is slowly becoming less and less common unless in a serious relationship. We have things like ‘hanging out” and “NCMO’s”(Non-Committal Make Out) where no commitment is required. In fact, we see this trend growing past dating and into marriages. People’s viewpoints on any type of commitment have changed, and more often than not there is cohabitation, more younger couples leaning towards divorce (even in those cases where things can be done to solve issues and problems.

What makes a good date? Today, my roommate, the one who goes out on dates almost every other day, came home from a date and told us she loved it. Now here is where it’s important that you pay close attention. When we asked her how it went, she said “it was a good date” and seemed to have had fun. When we asked why she liked it she gave us a quick synopsis of what happened. He had bought some acrylic paint for a project and he had never ended up using them. With this is mind he came up with the idea that they would go to a local thrift store and each choose a painting and then try and recreate it. All of us, both girls and guys who present, were amazed and shocked. It was so simple and yet creative and fun. Here was a young man utilizing his resources to have fun in non-traditional ways and being creative too! We were all impressed and determined to be better at planning and experimenting with new and different date ideas. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to do the same thing over and over again, no matter how much you love someone, a little change of scenery is good. Like I said, love is about action, you show it. It’s the reason thoughtful dates are the most romantic, the most fun, and the most memorable.

Works Cited:
Agape. (2019, May 14). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
Philia. (2019, May 17). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philia
Storge. (2019, May 17). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storge
TEMPLETON, J. S. (2019). AGAPE LOVE: Tradition in eight world religions. S.l.: TEMPLETON PRESS.

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