Hi, I'm Nayeli!

Hi, I'm Nayeli!
This blog is for all you singles out there! You are not alone! God cares about you and He has a plan. So sit tight, do your best and enjoy the ride ;)

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gender IS Important!

A few weeks ago, we discussed population and I mentioned the importance of siblings and the impact having kids has on the world. Drawing from that, today we will be talking about the significance of gender on the family. Why does having a sister matter and comparatively what is the importance of having a brother? What impact does having an aunt, uncle or living grandparents have on children and their parents? As I share what we learned, I'd like to add some of my own experiences and examples from my own family.

Gender is a very hot topic as of late, and has been for the last decade if not longer. I want to first express gratitude for both the men and women in my life, from the day I came into this world (we are almost at the next year mark for that) I have always had at least one of each in my life. I have been loved, cared for, and blessed by many who have influenced my life for good.

I did not grow up with a grandfather; on my father's side his dad passed away just three years prior to my birth, and on my mother's side, well, her dad wasn't a part of lives. I didn't think about it much, and we didn't talk about it as a family very often either. Deep down, perhaps my subconscious, I was very aware of this it seemed, and every opportunity I would talk to older people (especially watched how the men treated their wives) and then adopt them as grandparents, mostly grandfathers.

I think within each of us, we long for a family that is whole and complete. For some of us this longing comes in the lack of a grandparent, for others a sibling, and then for many out there a parent. This is because each member of our family plays a unique role in our lives, in that same way gender plays a unique role in our families as well.

I often hear people say that they fought with their mother growing up, but now they call her up every day and tell her about all their problems. In my own case this is a little different, but I understand that for much of our loves we aren't aware of the perspective of our parents and why they did the things they did during our growing up. Your parents likely played slightly different roles in your life, in my own family my mom disliked cooking and was a picky eater, my father loved to cook and would cook on the weekends and days off. I loved being in the kitchen with him and we made memories cooking together. When he left to work for year in another part of the country I would spend a lot of time on the kitchen making up recipes and reminiscing the fun we'd had. My mom was really good at number and took care of our taxes, and loved to garden. I could get her help on solving equations trying the vegetables when they in season. My mother's nurturing side came out in more than just the garden though, she home-schooled all three of us kids. Dad made life interesting as he tried teaching us sports and walked us to the park. Without my father working hard wherever he had to, and my mom working the money as thrifty as possible I don't know how our family could have made it. More importantly with my mom's loving care and my dad's quality time spent teaching us how to have fun we developed into successful individuals.

I also love having a brother and a sister, it's not only nice to have a playmate but a best friend! My sister and I were close until a few years after my brother was born. We did everything together, but i was literally her only option. So even if we fought, if we wanted a friend the next day we had to learn to forgive. She is very much a tom-boy though, and so I never really knew what it was like to have a sister until recently over the last few years she has begun to open up to me and talk. I think that is the best thing about having a sister. She listens and she knows a talk session is important. My brother is my best friend, and we have always been that way. If we looked any more alike people would ask if we were twins. Since we don't most people just assume we are a couple/newlyweds. That always gets a good laugh out of us and whoever else we are with. I honestly don't know what I would do without a guy friend i can talk about stuff I don't necessarily want to tell dad just yet, or when I want an opinion other than Dad's. He isn't always the greatest listener, but I know he loves me and cares. Without my brother in my life I think I would have gotten into a lot of bad relationships or gotten into relationships way too early for my own good.

For all the people in my life, I know they have been placed there to help and bless me in my life, and  to help me on my journey. My aunts have shown me how to make good decisions in a man to marry. My uncle's have proven that it's never too late to change and that you can get through hard things. My grandmother's have shown me that hard work and a love for God will always take you to good places in the end. They have all taught me that male or female God has a role for us to play here, and that neither role is more important, but that we stand equal in his eyes. What is most important, is that we work together, supporting each other in our roles and responsibilities. I have seen this in my parent's marriage and within other relationships in my family. i see it in myself and my brother, as I support him in all he is doing. We all need support in our lives and from both genders, some how someway it adds to our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I remember asking my aunt things I would never ask my mother.
