Hi, I'm Nayeli!

Hi, I'm Nayeli!
This blog is for all you singles out there! You are not alone! God cares about you and He has a plan. So sit tight, do your best and enjoy the ride ;)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Family Advocacy Project - Will you stand for the Family?

Does your family mean the world to you? I know mine does! Do you aspire to rear your children well, and be a phenomenal parent? Or pass on your greater knowledge and wisdom to your grandchildren? 
Family is so important to us for so many reasons. I have recently changed my major from Psychology to Marriage and Family Studies. This came as I began taking classes on the family and came to a greater understanding and appreciation for them. I’ve learned of their importance on a psychological level. We each wanted to be loved and to belong, we wanted to be a part of something. Our families gave us that. Beyond that, God also thinks families are important. In fact, He started the first family, and created the parents that began it all here on Earth, Adam and Eve.

However, you look at it, the family is such a wonderful part of every culture and society. The family is what brings us together and unites us, not only within ours but in the world. We may be different races and countries, have different backgrounds, values, beliefs and religions. Despite all the differences you could ever think of, we all have families; whether those we were reared in, those who chose us, or those in our lives we chose to call family. The basic unit of any society remains the same for all. Yet the world is attacking this precious element of life that can bring so much joy. Why?
Why does the world tear down the titles of father and mother and slander their roles as parents? Could you imagine not having a parent or either parents? Maybe for some of you this was a reality. Or perhaps for some of you, your parents were not tender, loving, or caring. I know friends who have been abused in their families, who have lived in homes of abuse, neglect or hardship. To you and to all let me say that YOU can change that! We can change the typical, the trends, and the norms of today. Those that tell us it isn’t worth it to put up a fight are wrong. It is something only WE can do.

Do we not owe it to the next generation to be better parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and to fight for their future? Do it for the children, do it for those who suffered yesterday, for those who suffer today, and for those who don’t have to suffer tomorrow. Do it for the abused, and the neglected, the unloved, the uncared for, the forgotten. God has not forgotten, and He has not let these acts go unnoticed.
Over 20 years ago, almost 25 in fact, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints issued to all a statement on the family, titled “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”. This I know is God’s word to us today about the family, and it speaks His truth:

"WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society." (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129.)

God will remember His children in their suffering, and he will remember those who have hurt, neglected or forgotten their children and families. It is our responsibility to recognize that we too will stand before God. What will we say? Will be able to say that we defended our faiths, families, values, and His children?
I never could have imagined just what has happened to the family today. Disintegration is probably the perfect word. According to Merriam – Webster’s dictionary it is “the breaking down of something into small particles or into its constituent elements and loss of unity [or] integrity by or as if by breaking into parts.” Either way we are taking apart the family. We do it by saying that it demeans a woman that her title is only mother. Mother was once a title of honor, and respect. We do it when we say that children are a burden. Were we not children once? We do it when we say we do not need a father, or a husband. Do we not need God? He is our Father, it a title He chooses to be called, out of every name He could ask us to call Him. Does that not speak volumes to parenthood?
Reading these two paragraphs I always wondered, what was meant by “the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.” What were they specifically? This semester in one of my classes we discussed them, and I wanted to share some of what I found:
2nd Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV)
“1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

Moses 7:65-66
“65 And it came to pass that Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man, in the last days, to dwell on the earth in righteousness for the space of a thousand years;
66 But before that day he saw great tribulations among the wicked; and he also saw the sea, that it was troubled, and men’s hearts failing them, looking forth with fear for the judgments of the Almighty God, which should come upon the wicked.”

D&C 45:26-27, 31-33
“26 And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth.
27 And the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound.
31 And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land.
32 But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die.
33 And there shall be earthquakes also in divers places, and many desolations; yet men will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the sword, one against another, and they will kill one another.”

D&C 97:22-28
“22 For behold, and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly as the whirlwind; and who shall escape it?
23 The Lord’s scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come;
24 For the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works.
25 Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her.
26 But if she observe not to do whatsoever I have commanded her, I will visit her according to all her works, with sore affliction, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance, with devouring fire.
27 Nevertheless, let it be read this once to her ears, that I, the Lord, have accepted of her offering; and if she sin no more none of these things shall come upon her;
28 And I will bless her with blessings, and multiply a multiplicity of blessings upon her, and upon her generations forever and ever, saith the Lord your God. Amen.”
These are just a few. This last one shows God’s love and mercy towards his children. However, knowing these calamities, the question now becomes: What can WE do NOW to fight these evils?
These quotes are from different speeches given addressing these “calamities” and this question as to what actions we can take now:

"One such prophet was Malachi, who admonished parents to turn their hearts to their children and children to their parents, lest the whole earth be cursed (see Mal. 4:6).
To these warnings, ancient as the Old Testament and current as the proclamation on the family, I add my own voice of warning, specifically concerning today’s media and the powerful negative effect it can have on families and on family life." - Elder M. Russel Ballard (Oct. 2003 "Let our Voices be Heard").

 “This generation will be called upon to defend the doctrine of the family as never before in the history of the world. If they don’t know it, they can’t defend it.” (Julie B. Beck – March 2011 Ensign)
“In addition, we need to greatly increase religious observance in the home. Weekly family home evening and daily family prayer and scripture study are essential. We need to introduce into our homes content that is ‘virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.’ If we make of our homes holy places that shelter us from evil, we will be protected from the adverse consequences that the scriptures have foretold.” - Elder Cook (“Let There Be Light” Nov. 2010 Ensign https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2010/10/let-there-be-light?lang=eng)

In summary, we need to recognize the effects of media, and other every day life normal tendencies, have on our families. It may be Summer, but maybe it’s time to do some Spring Cleaning as far as letting go of bad habits, clearing the clutter of activities that don’t strengthen or help our families. Or even by increasing the good you do as a family, and spending more time together. We need to be better educated. What is the family? How is it being attacked? How can I help? We need to make our homes a safe place for ourselves, our spouses, our children, and for all who enter.
Will you take initiative and will you uphold the family as the fundamental unit of society? I would love to hear from you, whether you’d like to comment below as to what you will do or if you’d like to private message me. Let’s take action together!  

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